Choose a Career that Makes You Happy - Heather Connery, Willis Towers Watson
Heather Connery is the Chief of Staff at Willis Towers Watson, a global broking, risk and insurance company. It’s a 9 billion dollar company that works across 140 countries. Heather has found her career happiness working alongside the CEO to leading 2000 people across 22 offices in the UK.
As a teenager, Heather was unsure of what she wanted to do, until a year out of college made her realise the value of academia and she decided to take every opportunity that she could. Now she’s worked her way up to achieve everything she wanted, and to find a role that makes her happy - which she believes is the most important thing.
She shares her career journey and advice for young people in this video, which includes:
- What her role at work involves
- The company culture at Willis Towers Watson and why purpose is a great motivator
- How she found the working world different to school
- How her upbringing in a low-income family shaped her
- Her career path, including the different roles she took and why she decided to switch positions
- Advice for young people including the importance of cross-transferable skills, gaining work experience and finding a mentor
The Circl Interview Series asks leaders of the UK’s most exciting businesses to share their career paths and advice with the next generation of talent. Check out our other interviews with professionals from organisations such as the Bank of England, Sky Labs and Uber.