How To Find A Job In The UK - Tomi Ibirogba, My Career Couch

Tomi Ibirogba, Senior HR Advisor at AET and Founder of My Career Couch, shares her career story and career advice for young people. My Career Couch is a career consultation service that helps Black professionals secure their dream jobs. Tomi started My Career Couch after struggling to find work when she moved to the UK (having lived in Nigeria prior to that). After finding work and realising what she needed to kick start her career, she decided to start My Career Couch to help others who were also struggling to find job opportunities.  In this interview she shares what she’s learned through her journey and the career advice that she gives to young professionals. Some of the areas discussed include:

  • Her own career journey and why she decided to work in HR
  • Her biggest challenge when she was job hunting in the UK
  • Tips for overcoming imposter syndrome 
  • Cultural differences to be aware of when job hunting in the UK
  • Why you should take initiative and seek out information 

The Circl Interview Series asks leaders of the UK’s most exciting businesses to share their career paths and advice with the next generation of talent. Check out our other interviews with professionals from organisations such as Facebook, Bulb and Alexander Hall.