How to Persevere - Trecilla Lobo, BenevolentAI

How can young people persevere in today’s climate? We spoke to Trecilla Lobo about her career journey, from growing up in the slums of Mumbai to working for multiple tech corporations such as Microsoft, Deliveroo and Receipt Bank. She now works as SVP for People at BenevolentAI - where she’s responsible for the employee experience and hiring across the UK and US - and has most recently joined Tech Nation as a non-exec director and chair woman. In this interview she shares:

  • How she started her career journey, from her first admin job to getting offered roles in big tech companies 
  • How her first mentor encouraged her career development 
  • Her experience growing up in India to moving to the UK at 17 which opened up her opportunities 
  • The values that her differences have taught her over the years 
  • Advice for young people in the current climate including developing your self-belief and perseverance 

The Circl Interview Series asks leaders of the UK’s most exciting businesses to share their career paths and advice with the next generation of talent. Check out our other interviews with professionals from organisations such as Uber, Google and Salesforce.