How to Stop Putting Pressure on Yourself - Neil Sartario, Ernst & Young

Neil Sartario has some words of wisdom for young people who are putting too much pressure on themselves to succeed. He’s the Lead Partner at Ernst & Young, a global consultancy that helps clients tackle some of the most pressing issues of today’s society. Having always had a passion for politics and making change happen, Neil and his team are committed to changing things for the better, particularly within the working world. Neil has had a varied career path, starting work at the age of 11, being fired multiple times before 21 and spending his twenties saying yes to every opportunity that came his way.

In this video, he shares the lessons he learned from his experiences, including the following advice for students and young professionals at the start of their career:

  • What his work at Ernst and Young involves 
  • Key events in his career including being fired multiple times (and the positives that came out of it)
  • How saying yes to everything in his twenties paid off
  • What separates successful and ‘unsuccessful’ people 
  • How young people can find their passions 
  • Why you shouldn’t put too much pressure on yourself and advice for those who are feeling stressed

The Circl Interview Series asks leaders of the UK’s most exciting businesses to share their career paths and advice with the next generation of talent. Check out our other interviews with professionals from other organisations such as the Bank of England, Willis Towers Watson and Google.